Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Amazing story

“Look! Look down there!”
His voice could just about be
heard above the sound of the
aeroplane’s engine and the shrieking wind in their ears.
“Can you see it?”
Under them a bird flew past.
As they looked down to see a little Island
“I think thats chicken nugget Island”
“What did you say?”
“I said I think thats chicken nugget Island!”
“I see it”
He leaned over a bit more it looks like
he might fall then all of a sudden he slips
and falls he makes a wild grab for the wing
of the plane and completely misses when he fall
he pulls the red cord to make his parachute go
out but the only thing that comes out is beer cans
I guess we get that for paying five dollars to go
on the plane and another five for the parachute
he thought the guy looked a bit shady no time for
that now he has to save his friend  he dives then he
realised that he isn't wearing a parachute.

“That's another screaming now

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