Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Leafs were scattered all around.
The branches rough like the shell of a turtle.
I hear The creak of the trees.
I stroad to the lake the sunshine bouncing of it.
The smell of the  nice sent from the daisies.
A nice sky blue bird sings a perfect song.
I glance at the black bark of a great oak it’s the size of a dinosaur.

Monday, August 6, 2018

NEW AND IMPROVED!!!!!! Description review August 2018

I enjoyed writing this. It was easy to describe the girl.

She feels the wind grabbing her hair and letting it go again. Surprised and wonder are in her head. Her heart is pounding like thunder. She tastes the cold air. She is frozen like a statue. Big eyes staring in wonder. She hears creaking. She smells pollen out of the dandelions. She zigzags over to the new tree house. With a green roof and wood walls it looks camouflage . Wood chips are on the ground. A brown rope ladder was hanging from the tree house I climb up.